フォルクタ について


Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.

現代の音楽 Music In Our Time


After invention of Records as reproduction techniques, Music became big industry in the whole world changing significantly by internet covered mostly over the world and the digitalization. New rhythm that came down in the brain of a Junior High School student in Ireland could be comprehend the newness and the value around the world immediately and spread in a flash as he uploaded on the Sound Cloud. 70’s local pops found in a used record shop in Columbia could be listen and buy by a Japanese DJ, play on the turntable at a bar in a midnight Tokyo next week. Bosom Music Lovers inhabit in the world could grasp the joy, the sorrow, the happiness and innovation specifically which echo in any music of any ages. We believe because there are universal value floating in the Music.

はじまりの音楽 The Beginning of Music

ヒトはたぶん数万年前から歌をうたってきました。言葉のはじまりは詩のようなものだった、という説があるけれども、たぶん音楽のはじまりも詩のような、歌のようなものだったと思います。 それは、ヒトを超えた大いなる存在への祈りや感謝を目的として、はじまったはずです。大いなる自然であったり、後に神さまと呼ばれる存在のために、奏でられ歌われる音楽。その古い古い響きは、現代の音楽にもかすかに残っているけれども、はっきりとその痕跡が残っているのは、いわゆる"民謡"の世界だと私たちは考えています。 民謡=Folk Music( 英)=Volkslied(独)は、土地や自然とそこで生活する人々から、押し出されるようにして産みだされた無名の音楽群です。それは仲間との楽しみ、あるいは共同作業の導きとして、そして自然や神への感謝の表現として歌われてきたものです。ここには音楽の原型(Primary)が今もなお残っているのではないでしょうか。

Human has been singing a song probably a few million years ago. There is theory that the beginning of word were like a poem and we could imagine the beginning of music were song like a poem. That ought to began for the purpose of prayer and gratitude to the great presence beyond human. Music, play and sing for the great nature and presence of what we call god these days. That old old echo is still slightly remain in Music today and we consider there are vestige specifically remain in the world of “folk music”. Folk Music(Eng.)/Volkslied(Ger.) is unnamed group of music extrude and generated by the native, the nature and the locals. It was sing to have fun with family and friends or to guide their joint work, and as to express gratitude to god and the nature. We believe there are primary of music still remains in folk music.
*I will not touch here for the circumstances of concept the mordern period has “invention” as "folk music”.
**There should be prototype of music of lullaby as well.

にほんのうた "Song" of Japan

日本列島には、南から北、西から東まで、バリエーション豊かな自然環境と地域文化があり、そこに暮らす人びとが、多種多様な「うた」の世界を作り出してきました。宴会の時に酒を回しながら歌う沖縄のうた。神に祈りを捧げるために夜静かに歌われる宮崎のうた。島根の娘たちが歌う田植えうた。山から木を挽いて下ろすときに歌う飛騨の木こりたちのうた。家を建てる前に土地の神に祈りを捧げる千葉の土つきうた、極太の三味線で奏でる青森のうた。木の精霊を喜ばせるために小さな楽器で奏でる石狩のうた。 こうした多種多様な音楽は、単体の楽曲として独立したものではなく、土地と人と一体になっている[うた]です。ともすれば、土地や日々の営みから離れてしまいがちな歌が跋扈する現代において、私たちは[うた]を、その土地の自然と、暮らす人とが一体のものとなった音楽を、世界の音楽好きの連中たちに聞かせたい、と考えました。 現在の地域産業や文化の多くがそうであるように、[うた]もまた不幸な時代を経て、絶滅寸前の状態になっているものも少なくありません。単なる伝統文化の保存の対象としてしか残らないものもあるかもしれません。それでも、土地の人が意志を持って愛し継いできた[うた]は、必ず何らかのかたちで生き残り、秘めたる生命力を開花させるでしょう。私たちはその小さなお手伝いをするために、このVolkutaを大きな希望をもってはじめようと思います。

Japanese Islands have rich variation of natural environment and local culture from South to North, West to East, and locals have created world of wide variety of “song”. Song of Okinawa to sing while turning the liquor at the banquet. Song of Miyazaki sung quietly in the night to pray god. Rice planting song sung by girls of Shimane. Song of the woodcutter in Hida to sing when they put down trees on the ground from mountains. Chiba’s song of soil diggers to say a prayer for god of soil before building a house, song of Aomori playing the heaviest shamisen, song of Ishikari play by little instrument to make the spirit of tree happy. These multifarious music is not independent as a single, they are [SONG] that land and human as one. On the ground we have thought in these modern day, what we hear is far away from land and life, we want all the music lovers in the world to have chance to hear [SONG], music that nature of the land and the locals as one. As local industry and culture in present, [SONG] also got through unfortunate period, a lot of them are in a state of critical endangered. There may be some that will remain only as an object of mere preservation of traditional culture. And yet, [SONG] love and pass by the locals may blow by their hidden energy. We will begin our Volkuta with great hope to make a little help.

VOLKUTAの視点 Volkuta's gaze


[Folk Music as original form of Dance Music]
Even in this modern, digital, virtual, artificial days, music can not be separated from body. Especially [folk music] is oneness of dance, work, and ground. That’s why Volkuta will capture [folk music] from angle of dance music. And to release the remix as dance music with the original is to take over the character of remix that [folk music] originally have. [Folk music] have been traveling around the land and music & lyric have changed rapidly, many version=remix were generated and songs are relayed.


[Japanese Local Culture with rare animistic character in the world]
Japan which turned forefront technology and urbiculture, also preserve animistic philosophy and etiquette of the culture which is exceedingly classic way upon the nature. [Folk music] work as interface that connect human and god, human and nature, and human and human. We will introduce the sapience and the etiquette which are desirable to ship from Japan, hand to the world through varied vestige that remains in our native culture.